Prof. Dan Jiang
Master/PhD Lecturer
1982 graduated from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;
1987 Master of Medicine, specialised at TCM Diagnostics, from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1992 Master degree of Application Computer Business from University of Sheffield
Ms Dan Jiang TCM consultant awarded as by World Federation of Chinese medicine societies
The principal of Hallam Institute of TCM
The vice –principal of Asante academy of Chinese medicine, a visiting senior lecturer at the teaching clinic of Middlesex University (MU) UK
The visiting professor from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.
A fellow of British Acupuncture Council, fellow and mentor of Association of TCM (UK), and supervisor for the medical students in the university of Sheffield (US) UK
She accepts a systematically training on the conventional western medicine and traditional Chinese medicines from Beijing University of Chinese medicine China and gains Master degree of medical science with two master degree courses in different professional projects. She starts to register and practice UK since 1991 and teaches Acupuncture and TCM in MU in UK and many courses in European countries and international lectures within professions.
As a TCM consultant, she gains more achievable to Gynaecological diseases, female and male infertility and promoting to ART (Assistant Reproductive Technology) for conventional western medicine who can increase a double successful result for ART from TCM support. She is also achievable to treat wide scope of common diseases in the West by TCM therapies. She has published more than 40 professional papers in the international journals, many chapters and books, special on Gynaecological diseases and infertility.